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A Symbol Of History And Identity

The Saltire: Scotland's Enduring National Flag

A Symbol of History and Identity

The Scottish flag, also known as the Saltire or Saint Andrew's Cross, is a potent symbol of national pride and heritage. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but the flag is generally accepted to be one of the oldest continuously used national flags in the world.

A Cross of Legends

Legend has it that the Saltire's white cross first appeared in the sky before a battle in the 9th century. The Scottish army, led by King Angus II, is said to have prayed to Saint Andrew for divine assistance. As the battle commenced, the white cross appeared in the sky, leading the Scots to victory.

A National Emblem

Since then, the Saltire has become an enduring symbol of Scotland. It is featured on the country's coat of arms and is flown on government buildings and at national events. The flag represents Scotland's unique history and culture, and evokes a sense of patriotism and national identity.

Today, the Saltire continues to fly proudly as a symbol of Scotland's rich past and its vibrant present. It remains a cherished emblem that embodies the spirit and heritage of the Scottish people.
